Tuesday, August 23, 2016

[Master & Ph.D] Said Foundation Master's and PhD scholarships at Partner Universities

Location: United Kingdom
URL: http://bit.ly/2bsjjiN

Scholarship Description:

The Said Foundation Scholarships Programme aims to promote education and development in the Middle East and to provide students and young professionals with educational and training opportunities that will help their career development, enable them to achieve impact in their professional fields and bring benefits to others in their countries of origin. 

To this end, the Foundation offers around twenty postgraduate scholarships annually to outstanding individuals who demonstrate the potential to become leaders and innovators of change.
Scholarships are primarily offered for one year postgraduate courses but in exceptional circumstances it may be possible to consider applicants for two year courses. The Foundation also offers one or two PhD/DPhil scholarships a year at Oxford and Cambridge universities only. There is a separate application procedure for Oxford and Cambridge awards. See Guidance notes for Oxford and Cambridge applicants.

The Foundation also offers joint scholarships with Chevening and the British Lebanese Association. If you wish to be considered for a joint SF/Chevening scholarship or a joint SF/BLA scholarship you must check that you meet all the relevant eligibility requirements and, in addition to submitting a Said Foundation scholarship application, you must also submit online applications to Chevening and/or the British Lebanese Association by their respective deadlines. 

Said Foundation Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and applications are carefully considered by officers and trustees of the Foundation and external assessors. The Foundation bases its decisions on the candidate’s academic excellence, the usefulness of the subject to the applicant’s country, the applicant’s leadership potential, future career intentions and their practical ability to make use of the knowledge to be gained in the UK on their return to the Middle East.

There are no restrictions on academic subjects but priority will be given to candidates who can demonstrate that their subject will enable them to contribute to the development of their home country.

Applications are restricted to the Foundation’s partner universities in the UK. 

Applications for study at universities outside the United Kingdom and applications for undergraduate studies cannot be considered.

All applicants must meet the Foundation’s scholarship eligibility criteria. For the academic year 2017/18 the criteria are as follows:

  • Applications are restricted to candidates who are Syrian, Palestinian (including Palestinians inside Israel), Lebanese and Jordanian;
  • Priority is given to candidates who are resident in the Foundation’s target countries of Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan. The Foundation will, however, consider Syrians residing elsewhere due to current circumstances in Syria;

  • Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously had the opportunity to study outside of their home country;

  • Only candidates with the equivalent of a UK 2.1 degree or higher will be eligible;

* Candidates are not required to have work experience but priority will be given to those who have some work experience and who can demonstrate that their studies will benefit their field of work on return to the Middle East. If the applicant lacks work experience the Foundation can consider experience gained from voluntary or community activities or participation in activities whilst at university;

  • Applicants are required to demonstrate that they have the potential to be leaders in their field;

  • Evidence is required that applicants meet their proposed university’s English language conditions;

  • Only applications for study at partner universities in the United Kingdom can be considered;

  • Applications from PhD candidates can be considered only for Oxford and Cambridge universities. Priority will be given to PhD candidates who can clearly demonstrate the need for their proposed research in their home country and who hold a teaching post at a university in their home country;

  • Successful applicants are required to sign a binding undertaking to apply the skills and knowledge they have gained in the Foundation’s target countries (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine).

  • Applications for Said Foundation scholarships must be submitted online by 23.59 UK time on 1 November 2016.

Foundation website

Apply to this Scholarship

from Scholarships http://bit.ly/2bJssBn

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