Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Pre-Sales Engineer/Technical Office Engineer - Security Systems

-Prepare Security Systems Solutions & Bids Study. -SecuritySolutions Design. -Prepare Technical Offers. Sales Support. -Works deals assigned to the sales team supported. -prioritizingeffort based on maximizing total impact on team productivityand profit, or as directed by the Pre-sales manager. -Proactively scopes the technical solution required to addresscustomer requirements, assesses customers’ met and unmetneeds, and recommends solutions that optimize value for boththe customer and the Company. -Secures input from allnecessary solution stakeholders within the customer Company.-Adapts solutions, as necessary, to ensure appropriatesupport. -Coordinates closely with internal sales, sales support,and service resources to align solution design with customers’business requirements. -Secures from customer technical staffcommitments needed to ensure a deal’s “technical close".

from Wuzzuf All Jobs

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